Hello! First of all, thank you for visiting this site. I am Danica Pinto, a Lecturer in Physical Chemistry at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.
I have been involved with science outreach and public engagement for quite a few years now. What started as an idea of making science fun, engaging and inclusive has evolved into this site—Science4All. The mission is to motivate and inspire young creative minds in STEM one colouring page at a time, to show budding minds that science is for all—to help them relate their lives, interests and backgrounds with people working in science.
This site contains 10 colouring pages. Each colouring page relates to a chemist who is either working or has previously worked in the School of Chemistry at the University of St Andrews. The illustrations are based on the lives and research of these real-life scientists coming from various backgrounds. Along with colouring in, students can also go through the profile of these chemists that briefly explains the science they do, their hobbies, favourite subject in school and more fun facts about them.
Teaching resources and worksheets are also available to aid the teachers in communicating the science involved in the work of each chemist. Please visit the Teaching Resources and Worksheets page for more information.
I would like to thank 'I'm a Scientist, get me out of here!' and ScotCHEM for the prize money that helped me kick-start this idea. I would also like to thank the 10 amazing chemists at the University of St Andrews who volunteered to share their work and interests, my summer project student Kathryn Darby for working on the teaching resources, and not to forget one of the brilliant science illustrators Dr Julia Pirson (https://juliapirson.crevado.com/) for drawing these illustrations. I would also like to thank Abbie Forsyth for her inputs on creating teaching resources.
Please take some time to explore the blog and find what sparks your interest. Feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together. Colour on and enjoy!
P.S: The colouring pages are suitable for all ages :)